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Stephen Bates

My life's work

Why do so many people get in their own way?

I had just started my first business as a Physiotherapist a 30 years ago, and I noticed something strange.

40% of my clients didn't take my advice and didn’t do the simple things which would make their pain go away.

My training hadn’t prepared me for this.

I became fascinated with why people wouldn’t help themselves get better.

Solving this issue question became my focus.

I then asked this question.If so many people sabotaged themselves when they are in acute physical pain; when and where else did they do it?

The answer is everywhere; work, business, money, health, relationships – people sabotage, block and get in their own way in all areas of life.T

hey don’t get the revenue and rewards which matches their level of talent.

Procrastination, anxiety, self-doubt, not using you skills and knowledge, not believing in your abilities, living in fear of making a mistake, or being judged is a very common.

I simply get a huge kick from seeing what people do when they have stopped blocking themselves.

About me.

Originally from London, I now spend most of my time living in Cyprus with my lovely lady Jules.

We are both passionate Tango and Jive dancers.

We have a brood of grown up kids between us.

I have two companies, Certain Change Ltd in the UK and Tech Leaders Inc based in the US, with clients across the Americas and Europe.


Helping people succeed since 2002